If I add the JVM option "-J-Djruby.rackEnv=production" then Glassfish fails to start. Did you mean to add it as a property?
Does it make a difference that I'm using my own JRuby install? I installed JRuby 1.4.0 into "/path/to/jruby/home" manually. I also tried using properties which didn't work:
/asadmin deploy --property jruby.home=/apps/programs/jruby:jruby.rackEnv=production --contextroot="/" redmine
The "jruby.home" property is definitely being used because Redmine fails to deploy if I omit it. The 'jruby.rackEnv" variable seems to get ignored no matter what I do.
Also, to clarify, I'm expecting that setting the "jruby.rackEnv" is the equivalent of setting the "RAILS_ENV" system property. It seems weird to me that it's not called "jruby.railsEnv", so if someone can confirm that "jruby.rackEnv" is actually the correct property for me to be setting I'd appreciate it.
[Message sent by forum member 'jptech' (ryan_at_jptech.ca)]