Access List of Installed Applications

Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 11:31:08 -0600

Internally we have a glassfish server that is running on port 8080 and the same server has an apache server configured to proxy all requests to /apps to the glassfish server. In order to get GWT to work I need to have the context root for these applications match the requested URL. For example, the context roots would be apps/application1, apps/application2, etc.

I would like to write a simple application that would reside at the context root "apps" that would simply give a little blurb about the applications and then a list of all the installed applications. Is it possible to read the glassfish configuration to dynamically create links using the application context, name and description.

Does anyone know of an example of how to accomplish this or if it is possible to do this securely in glassfish?

-- Chad