RE: GlassFish Contributions (was GLASSFISH IS LAME)

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 07:44:34 -0400

mg>hopefully quick comments

> Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 10:55:58 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: Re: GlassFish Contributions (was GLASSFISH IS LAME)
> > re: local autonomy -- sure, we have been working on that for many
> > years.
> > Sun has had strong investments in India at least since mid 90s. We
> > have
> > local managers, local directors, etc, etc.
mg>boasting "excluding development/support/feedback from the rest of the planet" is a plus?
> Thank you for playing the ball into my domain: Yes, SUN has local
> engineers, but the community has not. My proposal was to have the
> community elect those local deciders.
mg>and make the whole process truly democratic..good point

> That means, Sun then must ask a
> possibly external decider to merge a proposed patch.
mg>the concept of an independent judge who will not favour one ethnic group over the rest of the community

> Not vice versa. See
> how hard the work then would be for Sun? Exactly that hard is the work
> currently for external contributors.
> > I think we understand how all this works in theory, but in the
> > practice,
> > and in a large organization, there are limits.
mg>the poster that wrote this is imposing his countrys limitations

>And the larger and more
> > complex, and faster moving, the artifact, the harder it is to make
> > these things work.
mg>i would solicit advice from monsieur ellison before writing these emails
mg>a competent manager makes things work vs making excuses
> Sure, but you mix up the internal structures of Sun with the public
> structures of the community. Sun has more power in the community than
> others, so there is a skew in the democratic system. Also you seem to
> ignore that there are publicly managed projects like Linux and KDE which
> work very well without having a single vendor making decisions behind
> closed doors. And I would not say Linux and KDE is plain theory. From
> you view you could also say, there is no need for public elections as Mr
> Bush already has had embassadors all over the world solving regional
> conflicts without public discussionis .
mg>currently retired and doesnt read emails.. so that point is moot

> But sure we all are glad that the
> president gets elected and that the people can vote for or against
> particular actions. Don't we?
mg>hierarchical models work for organisations with large uneducated pool of labour accomplishing simple repeatable tasks
mg>technological problems dictate a flatter model with participation and discussion by all who wish to participate
mg>attempts to move a current democratic process into a hierarchical model will be met with justifiable resistance

> Regards
> Markus
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