Re: GlassFish getting "Merged" with WebLogic?

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 12:46:01 -0700

Mark Mielke wrote:
> In true FOSS-style, if we don't like what we are getting, we can branch
> the community and put up or shurt up. It's not Sun's nor Oracle's
> responsibility to provide P1 fixes for free to the community. If we are
> not paying subscription prices - then it is up to *us* to contributor,
> and put our own skin into the game, to fix the problems, and push them
> back upstream for the benefit of all. If we want somebody else to fix it
> for us - we either sell our case to others, such that those with the
> resources and competency to perform the fix are compelled to work on it,
> or we pay somebody else to do it.

The (non-corporate members of the) community already contribute a lot to
GlassFish. Directly in many subprojects and indirectly through FishCAT
and other efforts.

Sun has always been interested in code contributions from individuals -
it is a matter of review resources and then testing and integration.
The cost of these steps could be reduced if individual community folks
helped each other to create high-quality contributions before submitting

        - eduard/o