Re: GlassFish getting "Merged" with WebLogic?

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 12:26:36 -0700

Markus Karg wrote:

> It just looks like they do not want to sell more contracts unless
> the Oracle deal is fixed.

Not true.

> ...but why then are Sun employees telling me behind closed doors that
> their projects are stalled due to the Oracle deal, when asking
> them why their project is stalled...?

The common pattern in acquisitions is that the acquiring party asks for
information from the acquired party during this transition period.
There are legal constraints on what information can be shared and on how
the information is shared, etc, etc, but requests are common and can
impact the engineering teams. I've been on both sides of this, during
the MySQL and now the Oracle deals.

It could be that your contacts are refering to the impact of these

        - eduard/o

Markus Karg wrote:
> ...but why then are Sun employees telling me behind closed doors that
> their projects are stalled due to the Oracle deal, when asking them why
> their project is stalled...?
> Regards
> Markus
>> Correct. We are in the period between the two boards agreeing on the
>> acquisition and the close of the change-of-control. The next steps
>> include a vote by the Sun shareholders and approval by the regulators,
>> like the DOJ and the EU. In the meantime, we are two separate,
>> competing, companies.
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