Re: glassfish and clusters on 2 PCs

From: John Clingan <John.Clingan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 10:53:25 -0700

On Jul 30, 2009, at 8:21 AM, Eve Pokua wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have two PCs on which I usually have installed glassfish separately.
> I need to upgrade my server to the new release, glassfish v3. But have
> installed it and shows as v2.1. Not sure why? Windows XP Vista on
> the other.

GlassFish v3 is currently a preview. The final release is forthcoming.

> Read about Clusters. And read that I may also need to configure
> glassfish to work across network.

  GlassFish v3 will not support clustering in its first release.
Clustering will be in a follow-on dot release. If you want
clustering, I recommend you continue with GlassFish v2.1.

> Please, could anybody share knowledge on how to approach this.

This may help:

> any suggestion greatly appreciated.
> eve
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