Re: NullPointerException in v3 prelude while loading a resource.

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 13:03:58 -0700

On 06/18/09 07:14 PM, Nicolás Lichtmaier wrote:
>> I've tracked it down to this (assuming I've found the right svn
>> tag correctly):
>> resourceFile = new File
>> (loaderDir, jarEntry2.getName());
>> resourceFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
>> What if the file is at the top level (as is the file in ehcache)?
>> getParentFile() will return null! In this case, there's no need
>> to create any directory, as the file should just be at the root.
>> So this needs just an "if"... am I right?
> A null check won't hurt, but I still don't understand how
> getParentFile() could ever return
> "null" for you.
> The WebappClassLoader code snippet you are referring to enumerates
> the static resources
> of the JAR files in WEB-INF/lib, and extracts them to the file system.
> For example, if you deploy a web application 123.war which
> contains a JAR file
> WEB-INF/lib/test.jar which in turn contains a top-level resource
> "abc", then a classloader
> request for this resource will cause the entries of
> WEB-INF/lib/test.jar to be exploded to this
> location in your domain:
> generated/jsp/123/loader
> In other words, the top-level resource "abc" will be written to:
> generated/jsp/123/loader/abc
> It will always have a parent directory (in this case:
> generated/jsp/123/loader).
> Can you elaborate your scenario to help me understand why you are
> getting an NPE?
> Can you try with the trunk build, just to make sure you have the
> correct line number where
> the NPE occurs?
> I see. So it seems this classloader is being accessed before
> setWorkDir() is called to set the loaderDir property...

Yes, that would be the only explanation I could think of as well.

I've filed this issue:

and also just committed a fix for it.

The fix sets the work/loader directory on the WebappClassLoader *before*
it is started
and before the first time it is asked to return any resources.


> Scenario: I'm trying to use ehcache as a 2nd level cache provider. I
> have configured Hibernate as the JPA provider in persistence.xml, and
> I'm using annotations to inject JPA related things. So, while
> initializing JPA, Hibernate gets called, which in turns initialize
> ehcache, which looks for a resource in its jar.
> I'll try soon with a newer build and come back.
> Thanks!