Re: docroot of web app / mod_jk

From: Wolfram Rittmeyer <>
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 2009 22:59:54 +0200 wrote:
> Dear Martin,
> thanks a lot for your response i really appreciate it.
> But at present I can't tell you about the pain I've been subjected to since for almost one week to get this up and running.
> Meanwhile frustration passed to a kind of deep desperation.
> We have rolled back to v2.1 (9.1.1) (build b60e-fcs) and the server does what he wants.
> We do not know about the difference between
> configuration/default-config/http-service/virtual-servers and
> configuration/server-config/http-service/virtual-servers

Obviously you are running a cluster-profile. In this case the
"server-config" is for the standalone server named "server" while
"default-config" is a configuration that can be selected as the base
when configuring a cluster.

Normally it is way easier to first learn the concepts with the developer
profile and as soon as everything works fine apply this knowledge to

> all what we have found out is, that the server responds different on the virtual-host settings given in either default or server configuration.
> under default-configuration/http-service/virtual-server we set up a virtual host called intranet.
> the context root is set to /intranet.
> If we set the docroot to ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications/j2ee-modules the server shows a directory listing of that particular directory. if we set the docroot to ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications/j2ee-modules/intranet what is the right dir where the app was deployed to, the server complains in the log file:

Please do yourself a favour and forget about docroots for the moment.
What you actually want to achieve is that the app "intranet" shall be
served whenever someone calls your virtual server "intranet".

Currently you have configured this virtual server in the
default-configuration. This only comes into play if you set up a
cluster, so I suggest for the moment to configure this virtual server in
your server-config as well. Do not tinker with the docroot! Set the
http-listeners that you want to use (e.g. http-listener-1). Do also not
set a default web module.

Now go to Applications->Web Applications->intranet.

Change the context root to "/" and save.

Click on the tab "Target" and in the list of apps, click "Manage Virtual
Servers" for the app "intranet". First remove all existing entries by
clicking on "Remove all". Then add the target "intranet" and click on "ok".

Now surf to the domain of your intranet and the corresponding port. Do
not enter any context-path and you should see your app.

> |PWC6117: Datei "/web/app/SGES-V2.1/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/intranet/intranet/index.jsp" nicht gefunden|#]
> for some reason it appends the 'intranet' twice, and we do not know why.

Well context root "intranet" plus docroot xyz/intranet results into

>>>From this side it's not a matter of being lazy to read FAQs or having a gap in english. it's more a kind of having serious problems to trace the inner logic of GlassFish.
> Virtual-Hosting setup is supported by all common application and web servers. GlassFish seems to make an exception from that. You do not need multiple Perl, Python or PHP instances to provide that.
> Please advice, how and where we can get professional help to have sorted out the matter very soon.

If I have seen it correctly your company is a SUN partner. Since
GlassFish is a product that originates from SUN and is supported by SUN
you might wish to contact your SUN accountant and ask for a GlassFish
support deal. Please note that I am in no way affiliated with SUN - but
this is obviously the best way to find solutions in cases of urgent help.

Wolfram Rittmeyer
> If you would like to help and it's ok for you to contact us outside the board, pls. feel free, to submit us your contact details safely using the contact on our website:
> I am looking forward to your outcome and any help is much appreciated.
> Have a good night and best regards,
> Dave.