Re: your current Glassfish evaluation

From: <>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 06:45:55 PDT

Ok thank you very much for your very interesting answers. I might re-evaluate glassfish with your help.

Actually, we have eliminated all app servers not meeting these essential requirements:
• JEE application server
• free and open-source
• lot of documentation
• load balancing
• EJB3
• persistence
• web services
• portability
This is why Tomcat and Websphere are not in the list. And there are no many other studies findable on the Internet. Among the few ones, too much compare all the application servers on features they all have, and conclude that they are all trustable. But our company is looking for what plus and what minus they have compared to each other in order to be sure, not to determine the best one, but the most interressant for our needs.

So your comments about glassfish clusturing, failover, and load balancing capacities are very interessant for us. But we have difficulties to see the frontier between Sun Java Server Enterprise Edition and Glassfish. Are you sure the clusturing, failover, and load balancing capacities you talked about are in glassfish, in the open-source project?

If you could gave us the link to the correct web page? Because we don't have find any evidence of it so far

Thank you very much for helping
[Message sent by forum member 'aldian' (aldian)]