Re: Apache ProxyPass with Glassfish

From: Michael Mellinger <>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 08:48:47 -0400

Never mind. I had the answer with
ProxyPass /doc !

I had a Redirect for / instead of, or in addtion too, the ProxyPass /
I removed the Redirect and it seems to be working now. Not sure why it's
needed in general, but I'll save that for another day...


On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 8:07 AM, Michael Mellinger

> I found a few config httpd.conf scripts that seem to indicate adding
> ProxyPass /doc !
> will tell Apache to server up my /doc directory, and not forward this to
> Glassfish, but it doesn't work.
> -Mike
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 7:28 PM, Michael Mellinger <
> > wrote:
>> I'm using the ProxyPass feature in Apache2 to redirect to Glassfish for my
>> JSP and Grails apps. This works fine until I need to redirect /.If I do
>> this then everything gets sent to the Glassfish server. I want to have cgi
>> apps and plain HTML dirs servered up by Apache. How can I accomplish this?
>> NameVirtualHost *:80
>> <VirtualHost *:80>
>> ProxyPass /foo http://localhost:8080/foo
>> ProxyPassReverse /foo http://localhost:8080/foo
>> Redirect /foo http://localhost:8080/foo
>> ErrorLog /tmp/foo-error_log
>> CustomLog /tmp/foo-access_log common
>> #
>> ProxyPass /bar http://localhost:8080/bar
>> ProxyPassReverse /bar http://localhost:8080/bar
>> Redirect /bar http://localhost:8080/bar
>> ErrorLog /tmp/bar-error_log
>> CustomLog /tmp/bar-access_log common
>> #
>> # ******** This is a PROBLEM *********
>> #
>> ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
>> ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/
>> Redirect / http://localhost:8080/
>> ErrorLog /tmp/a-error_log
>> CustomLog /tmp/a-access_log common
>> </VirtualHost>
>> -Mike