JNDI per cluster vs domain (WLS to GF conversion)

From: Brian Repko <>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 16:20:45 UT

We are migrating from WebLogic to Glassfish. We have 3 domains
(qa, pre, prod), each with many clusters and many applications on
each of those clusters. We have some shared libraries that use
various JavaEE resources. On WebLogic ops team used to create
the resources (JDBC/JMS/etc) on each needed cluster but with the
same JNDI and potentially different values. That doesn't seem to
work in Glassfish - there is an assumption that a jndi entry in
the domain will be targeted to each cluster that needs it and
that it is the same object. That is, JNDI is defined at the
domain level and not the cluster level.
This is with SunAS 9.1 (GF v2 ur2). Does this change at a later
I know that we can use java:comp/env and map that to a different
jndi entry but that requires code changes.
Thoughts on what we should do?