Re: Windows services with appservService.exe wrapper dont work when more then 1 is configured

From: Alex Sherwin <>
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 09:35:14 -0500

Yes the domains are unique using different portbases (ex: 8000 and 9000
port base).

All the domains can start individually and be running at the same time
using asadmin start-domain manually (exact same string can be
copied/pasted from the service description as well, that works just fine)

There is no erreors in the windows event log, just information that the
service has successfully started/stopped.

When attempting to start the windows services, they do not fail, they
infact start and report as "Running", however the domain never attempted
to start (server.log for each domain shows zero activity, and no java
processes for glassfish startup)

I've checked every log I can think of an see no errors anywhere. It's
similar to the behavior observed when the --passwordfile is missing in
the service description and the service silently starts w/ no errors but
the app server doesnt do anything, but... as I mentioned before,
copy/pasting the exact command the service is trying to use works fine.

If i delete one of the services and use just the remaining one, it works

Sathyan Catari wrote:
> What is in the event log of windows service? Are you making sure that
> service names, port #s are different?
> If you start the domain manually(asadmin start-domain) does it come
> up? Also how are the services configured
> to come up(manual/automatic)?
> -Sathyan
> Alex Sherwin wrote:
>> I've been using a Windows service to manage my glassfish domains for
>> awhile without issue, and now that I'm setting up a more complex
>> system with multiple domains on the same machine, I just found out
>> that it doesnt work at all when more then one service is configured.
>> As far as I can tell, it shouldn't matter (nor should each service
>> know about each other?) but it appears to be happening non-the-less.
>> Each domain is in the same glassfish installation, but uses a
>> different passwordfile etc.
>> Is there something I can do to create multiple windows services that
>> can co-exist nicely?
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