Re: Windows services with appservService.exe wrapper dont work when more then 1 is configured

From: Sathyan Catari <Sathyan.Catari_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 22:33:38 -0800

What is in the event log of windows service? Are you making sure that
service names, port #s are different?
If you start the domain manually(asadmin start-domain) does it come up?
Also how are the services configured
to come up(manual/automatic)?


Alex Sherwin wrote:
> I've been using a Windows service to manage my glassfish domains for
> awhile without issue, and now that I'm setting up a more complex
> system with multiple domains on the same machine, I just found out
> that it doesnt work at all when more then one service is configured.
> As far as I can tell, it shouldn't matter (nor should each service
> know about each other?) but it appears to be happening non-the-less.
> Each domain is in the same glassfish installation, but uses a
> different passwordfile etc.
> Is there something I can do to create multiple windows services that
> can co-exist nicely?
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