EJB timer service can not automatically migration

From: <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 21:57:14 +0800

    We are using SUN AS 9.1 as our application server, I want to use the cluster feature of the AS for our HA requirement, I did the prototype on my laptops (one vista and one windows XP), I use mysql as the external database, most of time, the EJB timer service can migrate from the failure node automatically.
    But we I try to do it on the Linux system(SUSE 10 64 bit), it failed to migrate automatically, I don't know why, when I check the document for HA, it says we should to migrate our timer service manually!
    What's the HA feature of timer service?
    If it supply the automatically migration feature, how to configure it, and how can I check the problem of my system if it doesn't work?
