Re: asadmin start-node-agent timesout after 15 mins

From: Satyajit Tripathi <Satyajit.Tripathi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 13:56:16 +0530
Hi Luca,

Thanks for the attached files. Few quick check with you.

Are the two host names, lnobili-kubuntu and lnobili-vbox ? Are you able to ping the systems, using the host names, from either system ?

As I replied earlier you may also want to reverify the successful authentication of the node-agent with the DAS. Default password for user admin is 'adminadmin' and master is 'changeit'.

I trust you have followed the steps below or may want to recreate the setup as follows.

1). Start the DAS on hostname: lnobili-kubuntu using
./asadmin start-domain domain1
NOTE : You should see an existing (default) node-agent on the DAS system, normally of the name same as the local hostname

2). Create the node agent on the remote system hostname: lnobili-vbox using command

asadmin> create-node-agent --host lnobili-kubuntu --port 4848 NodeAgent2

asadmin> start-node-agent NodeAgent2
Please enter the admin user name>admin
Please enter the admin password>
Please enter the master password [Enter to accept the default]:>

Also you may try using the option --agentdir "" to ensure the node agent creation was proper in the previous steps.

Carefully following the above steps should get you going on the issue. Please let me know the progress at your end.

Thanks & regards
--Satya wrote:
Hi Satya,
as you required, I sent you privately my domain.xml and server.log files.

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