Re: appservAgentService.exe not functional on Windows 2003

From: <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 11:21:35 PDT

Hi Alexis,

Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, at this point, if I have to tell management that I can't even get glassfish installed and running per the documentation (minus any application even deployed) on our servers, a support contract proposal will be laughed at.

If we were running into ejb issues or some sort of deployment problem or anything related to actually USING glassfish I'd be fine with pushing for a support contract.

I opened a ticket as well as the forum post because threads on the forums drop pretty quickly. I don't expect any urgency, I basically just wanted to make sure that the development community and others had the opportunity to know that this issue possibly exists.

I'm fine with the opensource business model of pay for support. I just believe the application should be at a certain stability level before you expect people to commit to a support contract, and if I can't keep the server running when I logoff of windows, its just not there.

So I'm fine with communicating in the forums and hoping the issue gets looked at or even tested by other users. But from Sun's end, don't expect ISV's to certify your platform if they spend months getting what should be a trivial issue even some attention, let alone fixed. I don't mean for that to sound harsh, but thats just how it is.

Thanks again for the insight =]

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