Re: SJSWS 7.0 load balancer error

From: Daniel Cavalcanti <>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 09:17:23 -0400

Here is the log file section showing the shutdown and restart:

[17/Aug/2007:09:12:49] info (14522): CORE5073: Web server shutdown in
[17/Aug/2007:09:12:50] info (14582): CORE1116: Sun Java System Web Server
7.0 B12/04/2006 08:17
[17/Aug/2007:09:12:50] info (14583): reports: Initializing lbplugin
BuildId: A701212-164111
[17/Aug/2007:09:12:50] info (14583): CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM)
Server VM, Version 1.5.0_12] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]
[17/Aug/2007:09:12:50] catastrophe (14583): LBConfigurator.cpp_at_88: reports:
lb.configurator: CNFG1014 : Error occured while initializing Loadbalancer
config Parser. Please check that the config file: loadbalancer.xml exists
and has the read access.
[17/Aug/2007:09:12:50] failure (14583): lbplugin.cpp_at_238: reports:
lb.runtime: RNTM3005 : Failed to initialise load balancing subsystem
[17/Aug/2007:09:12:56] failure (14583): lbplugin.cpp_at_238: reports:
lb.runtime: RNTM3005 : Failed to initialise load balancing subsystem
[17/Aug/2007:09:12:56] failure (14583): lbplugin.cpp_at_238: reports:
lb.runtime: RNTM3005 : Failed to initialise load balancing subsystem
[17/Aug/2007:09:12:57] info (14583): HTTP3072: http-listener-1: ready to accept requests
[17/Aug/2007:09:12:57] info (14583): HTTP3072: http-listener-2: ready to accept requests
[17/Aug/2007:09:12:57] info (14583): CORE3274: successful server startup

Yes, I'm using GlassFish b58. When you mean setting the DOCTYPE is refer to
the loadbalancer.xml file right?
The only problem I see here is that I'm using the automatic push from
Glassfish to the web server for the loadbalancer.xml.

Let me know if you need anything else.


On 8/17/07, Pankaj Jairath <> wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
> From the log -
> [16/Aug/2007:16:36:37] failure (16596): lbplugin.cpp_at_238: reports:
> lb.runtime: RNTM3005 : Failed to initialise load balancing subsystem
> it appears the Load Balancer has not been successfully initialized.
> Given this, when the request is received; it's the WebServer instance
> that tries to resolve the file and thus logging the error of file not
> found.
> Could you stop and start your webserver instance and examine your
> webserver instance errors.log. Upon startup you should see log messages
> relating to Load Balancer initialization. Check if any error is reported
> in such messages.
> Query - Which build are you using. In case you are using b58, ensure
> that the doctype for sun_loadbalancer_1_2.dtd is set to local file
> rather than to
> regards
> Pankaj
> Daniel Cavalcanti wrote:
> > Hi...
> > I configured SJSWS 7.0 with GlassFish load-balancer.
> > When I try to access a web service WSDL, the "page" is not found.
> > The error log file for the WS shows this entries:
> >
> > [16/Aug/2007:16:36:37] failure (16596): lbplugin.cpp_at_238: reports:
> > lb.runtime: RNTM3005 : Failed to initialise load balancing subsystem
> > [16/Aug/2007:16:36:37] warning (16596): for host
> > <> trying to GET /collector- 5.1.0/Consumer,
> > send-file reports: HTTP4142: can't find
> > /home/collector/webserver7/https-
> > <> (File not
> found)
> >
> > The URL I tried to access is
> >
> >
> > Could some one give me some pointers?
> > thanks,
> > Daniel.
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