Re: SJSWS 7.0 load balancer error

From: Pankaj Jairath <Pankaj.Jairath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 11:09:04 +0530

Hello Daniel,

 From the log -
[16/Aug/2007:16:36:37] failure (16596): lbplugin.cpp_at_238: reports:
lb.runtime: RNTM3005 : Failed to initialise load balancing subsystem
it appears the Load Balancer has not been successfully initialized.
Given this, when the request is received; it's the WebServer instance
that tries to resolve the file and thus logging the error of file not found.

Could you stop and start your webserver instance and examine your
webserver instance errors.log. Upon startup you should see log messages
relating to Load Balancer initialization. Check if any error is reported
in such messages.

Query - Which build are you using. In case you are using b58, ensure
that the doctype for sun_loadbalancer_1_2.dtd is set to local file
rather than to

Daniel Cavalcanti wrote:

> Hi...
> I configured SJSWS 7.0 with GlassFish load-balancer.
> When I try to access a web service WSDL, the "page" is not found.
> The error log file for the WS shows this entries:
> [16/Aug/2007:16:36:37] failure (16596): lbplugin.cpp_at_238: reports:
> lb.runtime: RNTM3005 : Failed to initialise load balancing subsystem
> [16/Aug/2007:16:36:37] warning (16596): for host
> <> trying to GET /collector- 5.1.0/Consumer,
> send-file reports: HTTP4142: can't find
> /home/collector/webserver7/
> <> (File not found)
> The URL I tried to access is
> Could some one give me some pointers?
> thanks,
> Daniel.