Re: Rewriting URLs to change servlets?

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 17:59:52 -0700

Hi Robin,

Robin Sheat wrote:

>On Wednesday 08 August 2007 13:09:53 wrote:
>>Some additional explanation: In the case of static resources,
>>which are not mapped to any servlet declared in a webapp's web.xml
>>(they're handled by an implementation-specific servlet),
>>request.getServletPath() returns the request's URI minus the context
>Hmm, it looks like I spoke too soon, and didn't pay enough attention to what
>you said. It does work fine for static resources, however I also need it to
>work for servlets. Is this possible?
>Actually, in pseudo-regex terms, I just want:
>to become:
>and where the bit in brackets can be retrieved by the servlet 'something'.

OK, for this to work, your best bet would be to forward dispatch the
request to the target resource, i.e.:

public class MyFilter implements Filter {

    private ServletContext context;

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest req,
                                    ServletResponse res,
                                    FilterChain filterChain)
            throws IOException, ServletException {

        context.getRequestDispatcher(<target_resource>).forward(req, res);


    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
        context = filterConfig.getServletContext();

However, make sure your filter is *not* invoked during FORWARD,
or else you will end up in an endless loop. In other words, in your
<filter-mapping>, don't specify any <dispatcher> element, or if you
do, make sure FORWARD is not amongst them. :)
