Re: User FAQ for GlassFish v2

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 21:13:26 -0400

Hi Gail,

There may be documentation on these ideas already.. off the top of my head:

I think it would be good to have some FAQs on managing SSL certificates
using keytool, and also the kind generated by OpenSSL. So far I've
managed with keytool:

I'm not sure if it is possible, but maybe an FAQ on setting up Glassfish
for a shared hosting environment where each customer could have their
own admin console for their virtual server.

How about an FAQ on setting up Glassfish behind the Apache web server,
possibly using mod_jk? And one on using the Sun Web Server.

I'd also like to know how to clear the connections in a connection pool
when I've made changes to their settings, instead of having to wait for
the connections to time out and close, or restart the app server. I
sometimes change the settings of JDBC connection pools, and my custom
JCA connector.

What else? Maybe a short to-the-point explanation of setting up a
cluster and load balancer for a WAR file or EAR, with a sample
application to test with.


Gail Risdal wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a technical writer working on the creation of a user-focused FAQ
> page for GlassFish v2 and I'd like your input.
> I'll certainly search the archives for "How do I..." or "How to do x..."
> types of questions, but I'd love to hear from you regarding the
> questions you'd like to see answered on just such a page. What are the
> top questions and issues you run into, for which having an FAQ would be
> especially helpful?
> This User FAQ will obviously be a work in progress and the hope is that
> you'll add FAQs of your own once the initial page is up and running. The
> goal is to have at least a basic page with some of the top questions in
> place for v2 FCS in mid-September.
> Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this...
> Gail
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