Re: Glassfish Memory Issues

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 18:25:37 -0700

Scott Oaks wrote:

>On Thu, 2007-07-12 at 15:57, ITVGuy2000 wrote:
>>Scott, thanks a lot.
>>sdo wrote:
>>>I actually prefer running completely out of phyiscal memory (which is what
>>>you're doing;
>>>the 1GB of swap is your physical memory). So again, JDK 6 is your friend
>>What about JDK 6 is a benefit here?
>It's the same reason -- because JDK 6 will compile the JSPs in process,
>it will not need to fork the JSP compiler, drastically reducing your
>memory requirements.

Just FYI: If you're stuck with JDK 1.5 for whatever reason, you can
still avoid the forking by setting the "fork" init parameter of the
to false.

This can be done globally in default-web.xml, by adding:


to the declaration of the JspServlet:


or on a per-webapp basis (in sun-web.xml).
