Re: Glassfish vs other app servers

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 17:23:06 -0400

Thanks. I think someone needs to spend some time reading marketing
material from all the competing products to come up with a list of
features to compare, and the values.

Sorry I can't offer many suggestions as I have only worked with Tomcat,
Jboss and Sun App Server 9/Glassfish. What I really liked about Sun App
Server/Glassfish over JBoss is that there is a web based admin console
to configure everything. I never need to look at XML files. Also the
admin GUI is hosted on a separate port so it is not exposed to Internet
users. What else? Web service monitoring is handy. You could mention
clustering, and all the new features in Glassfish 2.


Jamey Wood wrote:
> Hi Ryan,
> I was just going looking back through some emails and saw that you
> never got a response. Sorry about that. I think you're raising an
> important question here.
> The closest thing that I know of to what you describe is at:
> It certainly has a lot of holes, though (the most obvious being that
> while we have columns for Weblogic and Websphere, they aren't
> populated with any information).
> If anyone out there has experience with Weblogic or Websphere and
> could help with this, it'd be much appreciated. Or it'd also be
> helpful to get users' input on new rows (feature areas) which we
> should add.
> --Jamey
> Ryan de Laplante wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a webpage that shows a feature comparison chart and
>> performance comparison chart for Glassfish, Weblogic, WebSphere,
>> JBoss, etc...? I'd like to see a single page with multiple rows and
>> columns that lays it all out. I want to see what Websphere and
>> Weblogic offer that Glassfish/Sun App Server doesn't.
>> If someone is going to create such a page, please put Sun App Server
>> beside Glassfish's name. When showing a chart like this to our
>> clients, we will want them to see Sun's name. Also compare to the
>> latest versions of all products. A page like this linked from
>> Glassfish's main page and Sun App Server's main page could do a lot
>> of good for the product.
>> Thanks,
>> Ryan
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