Peter Fabian wrote:
> wrote:
>>I have a cluster running the clusterjsp sample on glassfish v2 build 41a on windows platform. When I tried to configure the http load balancer plugin for the web server, errors are encountered.
>>I am using aslb-9.1-MS4-b1.jar and the plugin files are obtained from the iws directory.
>>I have tried to configure the load balancer plugin for Sun web server 6.1 SP7 and 7.0 u1 preview.
>>For web server 6.1, the error is "can't find /clusterjsp (File not found)".
>>[12/Apr/2007:00:00:36] info ( 1116): CORE1116: Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP7 B01/12/2007 12:26
>>[12/Apr/2007:00:00:37] info ( 1116): reports: Initializing lbplugin BuildId: A701212-164111
>>[12/Apr/2007:00:00:43] info ( 1116): CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM, Version 1.4.2_13] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]
>>[12/Apr/2007:00:00:44] warning ( 1116): reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon http://myserver:1110 has been intialized.
>>[12/Apr/2007:00:00:44] warning ( 1116): reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon https://myserver2220 has been intialized.
>>[12/Apr/2007:00:00:44] warning ( 1116): reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon http://myserver:1111 has been intialized.
>>[12/Apr/2007:00:00:44] warning ( 1116): reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon https://myserver:2221 has been intialized.
>>[12/Apr/2007:00:00:44] info ( 1116): WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-myserver] at [/search]
>>[12/Apr/2007:00:00:48] info ( 1116): HTTP3072: [LS ls1] http://myserver:80 ready to accept requests
>>[12/Apr/2007:00:00:48] info ( 1116): CORE3274: successful server startup
>>[12/Apr/2007:00:01:02] warning ( 1116): for host trying to GET /clusterjsp, send-file reports: HTTP4142: can't find /clusterjsp (File not found)
/Does not look like that LB has processed this request - appears that
Webserver instance itself tired to process this from it's doc-root.
Could you provide your webserver configuration files magnus.conf /
obj.conf - there might be potential error in editing the config files.
Ensure that there are no white spaces at the start of each line, LB
specific directive lines are well formed and not broken into multiple
> do you have the clusterjsp app enabled in your loadbalancer.xml?
><web-module context-root="clusterjsp" *enabled="true"* disable-timeout-in-minutes="60" />
>>For web server 7.0 and 7.0 u1, the error encountered is:
>>[12/Apr/2007:02:19:23] failure ( 5996): CORE2253: Error running Init function load-modules: dlopen of c:/work/webserver7/plugins/lbplugin/bin/passthrough.dll failed (The specified module could not be found.)
> does c:/work/webserver7/plugins/lbplugin/bin/passthrough.dll exists?
/Could use the steps mentioned at
Verify that you LB configuration changes exist in the
admin-server/config-store for the instance/node on which LB is
configured and that this config has been applied successfully to the
webserver instance. Is your WS 7 admin server running on the same m/c
as your webserver instance? /
>Peter Fabian
>Sun Software