Re: error configuring http load balancer for glassfish

From: Peter Fabian <Peter.Fabian_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 20:42:21 +0200 wrote:
> I have a cluster running the clusterjsp sample on glassfish v2 build 41a on windows platform. When I tried to configure the http load balancer plugin for the web server, errors are encountered.
> I am using aslb-9.1-MS4-b1.jar and the plugin files are obtained from the iws directory.
> I have tried to configure the load balancer plugin for Sun web server 6.1 SP7 and 7.0 u1 preview.
> For web server 6.1, the error is "can't find /clusterjsp (File not found)".
> [12/Apr/2007:00:00:36] info ( 1116): CORE1116: Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP7 B01/12/2007 12:26
> [12/Apr/2007:00:00:37] info ( 1116): reports: Initializing lbplugin BuildId: A701212-164111
> [12/Apr/2007:00:00:43] info ( 1116): CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM, Version 1.4.2_13] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]
> [12/Apr/2007:00:00:44] warning ( 1116): reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon http://myserver:1110 has been intialized.
> [12/Apr/2007:00:00:44] warning ( 1116): reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon https://myserver2220 has been intialized.
> [12/Apr/2007:00:00:44] warning ( 1116): reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon http://myserver:1111 has been intialized.
> [12/Apr/2007:00:00:44] warning ( 1116): reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon https://myserver:2221 has been intialized.
> [12/Apr/2007:00:00:44] info ( 1116): WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-myserver] at [/search]
> [12/Apr/2007:00:00:48] info ( 1116): HTTP3072: [LS ls1] http://myserver:80 ready to accept requests
> [12/Apr/2007:00:00:48] info ( 1116): CORE3274: successful server startup
> [12/Apr/2007:00:01:02] warning ( 1116): for host trying to GET /clusterjsp, send-file reports: HTTP4142: can't find /clusterjsp (File not found)
do you have the clusterjsp app enabled in your loadbalancer.xml?

<web-module context-root="clusterjsp" *enabled="true"* disable-timeout-in-minutes="60" />

> For web server 7.0 and 7.0 u1, the error encountered is:
> [12/Apr/2007:02:19:23] failure ( 5996): CORE2253: Error running Init function load-modules: dlopen of c:/work/webserver7/plugins/lbplugin/bin/passthrough.dll failed (The specified module could not be found.)
does c:/work/webserver7/plugins/lbplugin/bin/passthrough.dll exists?

Peter Fabian
Sun Software