Glassfish vs other app servers

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2007 01:22:16 -0400


Is there a webpage that shows a feature comparison chart and performance
comparison chart for Glassfish, Weblogic, WebSphere, JBoss, etc...? I'd
like to see a single page with multiple rows and columns that lays it
all out. I want to see what Websphere and Weblogic offer that
Glassfish/Sun App Server doesn't.

If someone is going to create such a page, please put Sun App Server
beside Glassfish's name. When showing a chart like this to our clients,
we will want them to see Sun's name. Also compare to the latest
versions of all products. A page like this linked from Glassfish's main
page and Sun App Server's main page could do a lot of good for the product.
