Hi, I've been using Glassfish to develop my applications.
I think you made a great job with it, now it's very easy to develop and
an application with the Web Start integration.
However I wanted to use Mustang (Java 1.6) to run the application
client, but
although it works perfectly with Java 1.5 it doesn´t launch with 1.6.
It doesn´t load the application properly but it doesn´t give an error
either. It just
finish quietly.
Do you have any hint about what could be wrong? I don´t know if the
problem is
with Java 1.6 Web Start or with the jnlp that Glassfish uses.
Thanks for your help.
Ignacio Goyeneche igoyeneche_at_maz.es <mailto:igoyeneche_at_maz.es>
(Análisis y Desarrollo Informático )
Teléfono: 976 748 120
MAZ - Mutua de A.T. y E.P. de la Seg. Social Nº 11
Avda. Academia General Militar,74
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