Re: what is connection url for glassfish jms?

From: Legolas Woodland <>
Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 00:09:40 +0430

Sivakumar Thyagarajan wrote:
> Legolas Woodland wrote:
>> Sivakumar Thyagarajan wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Could you clarify which connection url are referring to? In GlassFish,
>>> if you want to use the default JMS broker bundled with the application
>>> sevrer, all that needs to be done is create a Connection Factory JMS
>>> resource and a destination resource, and then look them up in an
>>> application component and use the JMS APIs to send the message.
>>> The actual connection url [ie broker address to connect to] is
>>> automatically taken care of behind the scenes.
>> Thank you for clarification
>> I need the steps (which one of them is to know the url) to use JMS
>> service from a remote Client.
>> the remote client must have access to some queu that i made by using
>> glassfish administration console.
>> I add message to those queues (that i made from admin console of
>> glassfish) from my enterprise application deployed inside glassfish.
>> Now i need to access those message which i add to those queues from a
>> remote application.
> If I have understood you correctly, you are looking for ways by which
> you could work with a Queue from a remote maching using a non-ACC
> [standalone java] program. Documentation for this is available off
> Please let me know should you need more information.
Hi , Thank you for your Help
Remote application is a standalone java application, there are some
possibilities that we run this application on the same machine that we
run the application server
but in another JVM. (so it will be a remote application that need to
access the queue)
Let explain my scenario :
we have an enterprise application wich receive too much hit sometimes so ,
we decide to use a JMS service to store all hit (transactions) that we
receive and then Let another application on another JVM to process and
execute them against our Data base server and other back ends.

So , When we receive a Hit we create a jms message from that hit
information (for example which query must be executed and ....)
then we send it so some Queue in our JMS server (Sun MQ).
Now the remote application which is running on another JVM should be
able to consume those messages to process them.

i think this scenario is one of the main goal of JMs services because it
is a Asynchronous communication and information processing.

> Thanks.
> --Siva.
>>> For more information on the JMS support in GlassFish and about custom
>>> JMS configurations please refer to the JMS chapter in the developer
>>> guide available off
>>> Thanks
>>> --Siva.
>>> Legolas Woodland wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Thank you for reading my post
>>>> what is url to send message to glassfish jms server ?
>>>> Thanks