I don't think the Blueprints guys address this so many one of you can
blog about what
was discussed. We will add it to the Tech tips and blogs page on GlassFish.
Joseph B. Ottinger wrote:
> *nod* Well, I appreciate everyone's willingness to look at my posts.
> I'm more than happy to admit I'm learning a heck of a lot of things at
> a single time.
> The worst part about all this is that with J2EE 1.4 and 1.3, I've had
> NONE of these problems. It's all my vast inexperience with Java EE and
> glassfish, specifically.
> On Tue, 2 May 2006, Binod wrote:
>> GlassFish reuse the same pool implementation for all resources. So,
>> yes, JMS will show symptoms similar to JDBC
>> w.r.t pooling.
>> Glad that you crossed the issue :-)
>> - Binod.
>>> Okay, I figured out something of what had happened. It *was* a
>>> connection pool problem, and in retrospect, it makes perfect sense:
>>> boneheaded move on my part, partially exposed by someone who rather
>>> generously pointed out some information based on my review of
>>> Glassfish (which needs to be revised, since one of my complaints was
>>> based on my own error.)
>>> I made the mistake of thinking the connection pool was a JDBC
>>> connection pool. Bzzt. It was the CONNECTION FACTORY for JMS, being
>>> fired off by a filter which could generate a HUGE number of
>>> connections. That's definitely something in my code, both as
>>> something to be fixed in deployment *and* as something to change
>>> about how messages are fired off. (I need to check the filter to
>>> make sure it's not creating a connection per item, which would be an
>>> absurd concept, but hey... new codebase, entirely untuned.)
>>> Thank you for all who're paying attention. :)
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Joseph B. Ottinger http://enigmastation.com
>>> Editor, http://www.TheServerSide.com joeo@enigmastation.com
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> Joseph B. Ottinger http://enigmastation.com
> Editor, http://www.TheServerSide.com joeo@enigmastation.com
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