
Re: Is anyone else hitting 'OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space' on a regular basis with GlassFish 3.0 ?

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 10:21:13 +0200

On 8 April 2010 10:13, Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com> wrote:

> "When I get time I would like to test this same app from the NetBeans in
> place deploy.
> I'll log another issue and attach it to this mail thread.", thanks Richard
> for all your hard
> work in testing PermGen issue, I remember you tried deploy different kind
> apps many
> times and verified no OutOfMemoryError when testing v3.

My pleasure, anything to make GlassFish even better :)

> Wonder is this a different kind app or different size app?

The application I am using now is 5.8 megs big and is deployed from
i.e. I deploy once, then make a change, NetBeans autodeploys, I make another
change and repeat for a day and *poof* it breaks.

> Nice to hear from you :-)

You too. :) Working hard on my GF apps.
