
FINAL REVIEW for GFv3 Application Deployment Guide

From: Dixie Pine <Dixie.Pine_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 16:25:59 -0800


I have posted the final review draft of the /Sun GlassFish Enterprise
Server v3 Preview Application Deployment Guide (/dated 11/24/09)/ /on
the comments wiki here:

*FINAL REVIEW comments are due by Tuesday, December 2, 2009

As you can see, there's not much time to review. Be sure to include the
page number in the PDF with each of your comments. I'm happy to receive
comments in email, comments wiki, hardcopy markup, on the phone,
face-to-face, whatever works.

    DON'T: Please don't open Issue Tracker issues; takes longer for me
    to process.

Here's what I need to know:

    * Is the content correct?
      If not, please provide corrections. There's no time to point me to
      other material or another person.

    * Does the content apply to v3?
      If not, tell me exactly what to hide; I will restore the material
      for the next release. If it should be removed permanently, say that.

    * Is content missing?
      If so, please provide pointers to the material.

My apologies for the short review cycle.