
Re: Review of v3 Upgrade Guide

From: Mitesh Meswani <Mitesh.Meswani_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 12:21:27 -0800

Hi Kim,

I am bit confused about your experiment. Can you please send me the
original persitence.xml that does not work on V3 and persitence.xml with
changes that makes it work.


Kim Haase wrote:
> I'm sorry, I led you astray. Actually, looking more closely, it
> appears that in the persistence.xml file for order, no ddl-generation
> property is specified. I didn't notice before that the properties
> element is actually commented out:
> <!--properties>
> <property name="ddl-generation" value="dropandcreate"/>
> </properties-->
> Commenting out the properties doesn't work for the other two apps,
> though. Why it works for order is not clear to me.
> Kim
> On 11/24/09 11:23, Kim Haase wrote:
>> On 11/23/09 21:19, Mitesh Meswani wrote:
>>> Kim Haase wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> The v3 Upgrade Guide (formerly the Upgrade and Migration Guide) is
>>>> available for review at
>>>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=UpgradeAndMigrationGuide
>>>> The book has been reviewed by the Upgrade Tool engineer, but we
>>>> need help from the rest of you to identify incompatibilities
>>>> between v2 and v3 applications that users are likely to encounter.
>>>> Particular areas of concern are application clients (about which we
>>>> say something) and persistence (about which we say nothing so far).
>>>> It appears from some experimentation that even with the
>>>> compatibility property set to v2, users still have to provide a
>>>> persistence.xml file that specifies EclipseLink instead of TopLink
>>>> in order for applications deployed on v3 to run. Is this correct?
>>> A JavaEE app that used container managed EM/EMF should work
>>> transparently with V3. What kind of app you used in your experiments
>>> and what issues are you seeing?
>>> We should definitely mention following in the guide.
>>> 1. If an app is using JavaSE style to create EMF. That is it calls
>>> Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(...), the app will need to
>>> be change the provider name to point to EclipseLink
>>> (org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider) and rename any
>>> property supplied to "eclipselink.*" from
>>> "toplink.*"
>>> 2. If user is using any Toplink specific code in his app and hence
>>> has cast to oracle.toplink.* in his code, the code will need to
>>> change to use org.eclipse.persitence.*. Tool mentioned here
>>> <http://wiki.eclipse.org/EclipseLink/Examples/MigratingFromOracleTopLink#Rename_Packages>
>>> can help with the process. Please note that we do not ship the
>>> tool with GlassFish.
>> I can mention those -- thanks. However, these situations do not apply
>> to the applications I am testing. I'm working with 3 of the Java EE 5
>> tutorial examples, ejb/order, ejb/roster, and jms/clientmdbentity.
>> You can get them from the Download link at
>> http://java.sun.com/javaee/5/docs/tutorial/doc/index.html if you
>> don't have them already. You need to follow the instructions to run
>> them -- the EJB ones are in chapter 26 (Persistence in the EJB Tier),
>> and the JMS one is in chapter 32 (Java EE Examples Using the JMS API,
>> the second section, "A Java EE Application That Uses the JMS API with
>> an Entity").
>> In my experience, if these apps were previously deployed to the EE 5
>> server (I'd used glassfish-installer-v2.1-b60e-sunos.jar), ejb/order
>> runs fine after an upgrade, but the other two fail. If I put in a new
>> persistence.xml file, though, they work fine. (The compatibility=v2
>> property is set in all cases.) I think the difference is that the
>> ones that fail specify
>> <property name="toplink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create-tables"/>
>> while the persistence.xml file for the order app just has
>> <property name="ddl-generation" value="dropandcreate"/>
>> It is pretty common to have the toplink-specific property -- it is
>> what NetBeans automatically created, as I recall, just as it now
>> creates an EclipseLink-specific one.
>> Kim
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mitesh
>>>> What other problems are possible? Please let me know by *Tuesday,
>>>> December 1, 2009.* As Dixie said, email, the comments wiki, or
>>>> phone are fine. I'm in Massachusetts, so other methods work less
>>>> well for most of you.
>>>> Thank you very much.
>>>> Kim Haase
>>>> x20747
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