
Re: FINAL REVIEW for GFv3 Application Deployment Guide

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 16:03:43 +0200

Hi Dixie

I did not see this manual in GlassFish 2.1. It is really great.

1) I have not heard about a deployment plan or used it before, sorry.
2) On page 57 - Example 2-17
  it javac -cp javaee.jar -d ${domain-dir}/autodeploy
  Should this not be javac -cp ${asinstall}/javaee.jar -d

Almost thought I found a big error, but I was wrong.:)


2009/11/25 Dixie Pine <Dixie.Pine_at_sun.com>

> Greetings:
> I have posted the final review draft of the *Sun GlassFish Enterprise
> Server v3 Preview Application Deployment Guide (*dated 11/24/09)* *on the
> comments wiki here:
> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=ApplicationDeplyomentGuide
> *FINAL REVIEW comments are due by Tuesday, December 2, 2009
> *
> As you can see, there's not much time to review. Be sure to include the
> page number in the PDF with each of your comments. I'm happy to receive
> comments in email, comments wiki, hardcopy markup, on the phone,
> face-to-face, whatever works.
> DON'T: Please don't open Issue Tracker issues; takes longer for me to
> process.
> Here's what I need to know:
> - Is the content correct?
> If not, please provide corrections. There's no time to point me to
> other material or another person.
> - Does the content apply to v3?
> If not, tell me exactly what to hide; I will restore the material for
> the next release. If it should be removed permanently, say that.
> - Is content missing?
> If so, please provide pointers to the material.
> My apologies for the short review cycle.
> Thanks,
> Dixie