
Re: Please help review - Admin GUI Online Help

From: Kim Haase <Camilla.Haase_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 13:47:45 -0500

Actually, the bug to append to is 10724
(https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10724). It has a
more complete list of the links we already know don't work.


On 11/02/09 03:12, Judy Tang wrote:
> Hi All,
> If you have some time, would you please help us to review Admin GUI
> Online Help. Good documentation
> helps user and also helps reduce customer calls. We value your review !
> Following is what/how to do:
> (1) What build to test: Please try nightly or promote build after 10/31/09:
> http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/nightly/
> http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/
> (2) What to review:
> - browse admin console, click help button from top right corner, if help
> page shows 404 error, please append to this umbrella bug 10725
> <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10725>
> - please review the help content, file bugs for issues, if not sure,
> please send email to quality alias to confirm
> Happy FishCATting !
> Judy