
Please help review - Admin GUI Online Help

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 00:12:25 -0800

Hi All,

If you have some time, would you please help us to review Admin GUI
Online Help. Good documentation
helps user and also helps reduce customer calls. We value your review !

Following is what/how to do:

(1) What build to test: Please try nightly or promote build after 10/31/09:

(2) What to review:
- browse admin console, click help button from top right corner, if help
page shows 404 error, please append to this umbrella bug 10725
- please review the help content, file bugs for issues, if not sure,
please send email to quality alias to confirm

Happy FishCATting !