
Re: [Question]: I have 3 questions about http load balance of GlassFish V2

From: Kshitiz Saxena <Kshitiz.Saxena_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 20:28:03 +0530

Hi Jamy,

Please see my comments inline.


Jamy Wang wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm Jamy Wang in China. I just started learning how to use GlassFish
> recnetly.
> I got some questions while configuring SUN web server v7 and
> GlassFish v2 to work together.
> 1) I just can not find http listner port in "server.xml", only
> see https listen port 8989 and it works.But can not access by
> HTTP. Did I miss something? I just installed the web server normally...

You are looking at admin server of web-server installation. Please
create another instance using admin console to act as front-end for

> 2) I saw a function in the console of GlassFish v2 " HTTP load
> balance" , I don't understand how it will be used, It seems I will
> never use it? It must be some meaningful things I missed.

This is needed to configure loadbalancer xml. There are two ways of
doing that
1. Export loadbalancer xml and copy it to web-server machine
2. Configure the web-server port etc such that changes to load-balancer
xml is pushed to web-server directly.

For both of above option, you need to create http load-balancer in

Please follows steps available @
http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/819-3679/gchvt?l=en&a=view to correctly
configure web-server.

> 3) How can I monitor the flow of each instance in the cluster?

loadbalancer xml had attribute, namely require-monitor-data, if set to
true it will print monitoring data. In general it should be set to false.

> Anyone's help or reply will be very appreciated.
> Thanks a lot.
> Best Regards
> Jamy Wang