
Re: [Question]: I have 3 questions about http load balance of GlassFish V2

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 09:38:18 -0800

Hi Jamy, Welcome ! I am so glad to read your email here. I can see
you are getting very close to get your
clustering to work so you can present and demo it to your up coming
GlassFish User Group event in Fuzhou, China.
If you have more questions, please feel free to send them to this
alias. Good luck to your talk :-)

Hi Kshitiz, Thank you so much for your detailed answering to every
question and giving the GlassFish doc pointer.
This is very helpful !


Kshitiz Saxena wrote:

> Hi Jamy,
> Please see my comments inline.
> Thanks,
> Kshitiz
> Jamy Wang wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm Jamy Wang in China. I just started learning how to use GlassFish
>> recnetly.
>> I got some questions while configuring SUN web server v7 and
>> GlassFish v2 to work together.
>> 1) I just can not find http listner port in "server.xml", only see
>> https listen port 8989 and it works.But can not access by HTTP. Did I
>> miss something? I just installed the web server normally...
> You are looking at admin server of web-server installation. Please
> create another instance using admin console to act as front-end for
> glassfish.
>> 2) I saw a function in the console of GlassFish v2 " HTTP load
>> balance" , I don't understand how it will be used, It seems I will
>> never use it? It must be some meaningful things I missed.
> This is needed to configure loadbalancer xml. There are two ways of
> doing that
> 1. Export loadbalancer xml and copy it to web-server machine
> 2. Configure the web-server port etc such that changes to
> load-balancer xml is pushed to web-server directly.
> For both of above option, you need to create http load-balancer in
> glassfish.
> Please follows steps available @
> http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/819-3679/gchvt?l=en&a=view to
> correctly configure web-server.
>> 3) How can I monitor the flow of each instance in the cluster?
> loadbalancer xml had attribute, namely require-monitor-data, if set to
> true it will print monitoring data. In general it should be set to false.
>> Anyone's help or reply will be very appreciated.
>> Thanks a lot.
>> Best Regards
>> Jamy Wang
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