
Re: White space testing

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 18:34:27 -0700

Hi Kedar. You helped with all the questions, thanks !

Hi Sala, It is very nice to see you in the quality alias here. I saw
you have executed more than 30 white space CLI tests
that Sankar sent you, many tests passed, just these 5 tests you have
questions and need some help. Glad you
got help from Kedar, please give it a try and let us know. In the
following FAQ in A.2 you can find the link to get the
latest promote build, pleas use it for testing.


Thanks for all your help and happy Fishcatting :-)
Kedar Mhaswade wrote:

> Visalakshi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have few doubts on white space testing for glassfish v3, Can anyone
>> please let me know on how to do it?
>> 1. add-resources [--terse=false] [--echo=false]
>> [--interactive=true] [--host localhost] [--port 4848|4849] [--secure
>> | -s] --user admin_user [--passwordfile file_name] [--target
>> target(Default server)] xmlfilepath
>> o XML file path which has space
>> Which xml file in glassfish-v3-prelude-b23?
> Any XML you can create. Note that the file contains the resource
> definitions
> that you wish to create on the server.
>> 2. create-http-lb-ref [--terse=false] [--echo=false]
>> [--interactive=true] [--host localhost] [--port 4849]
>> [--secure|-s=true] --user admin_user [--passwordfile file_name]
>> [--lbpolicy policy] [--lbpolicymodule path-to-module]
>> [--healthcheckerurl url] [--healthcheckerinterval
>> interval-in-seconds] [--healthcheckertimeout timeout-in-seconds]
>> [--lbenableallapplications] [--lbenableallinstances] --config
>> config_name target
>> o path to policy module which has space
>> Where is the policy module located?
> This is not a Prelude command. The lb-policy file determines the load
> balancing strategy.
>> 3. deploy [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true]
>> [--host localhost] [--port 4848|4849] [--secure | -s] --user
>> admin_user [--passwordfile file_name] [--virtualservers
>> virtual_servers] [--contextroot context_root] [--force=true]
>> [--precompilejsp=false] [--verify=false] [--name component_name]
>> [--upload=true] [--retrieve local_dirpath] [--dbvendorname
>> dbvendorname] [--createtables=true|false |
>> --dropandcreatetables=true|false] [--uniquetablenames=true|false]
>> [--deploymentplan deployment_plan] [--enabled=true]
>> [--generatermistubs=false] [--availabilityenabled=false] [--libraries
>> jar_file[(pathseperator)jar_file]*] [--target target(Default server)]
>> filepath
>> o filepath which contains space
>> Should I have to deploy the file inside glassfish or some files
>> like helloworld
> ?
> Just provide:
> - a file with space in the path, e.g. "C:\Users\Joe
> Blo\Application.war, or
> - a folder with space in its path, e.g. "C:\Windows Sucks, where the
> folder
> is an "expanded view" of the application.
>> 4. recover-transactions [--terse=false] [--echo=false]
>> [--interactive=true] [--host localhost] [--port 4849]
>> [--secure|-s=true] --user admin_user [--passwordfile file_name]
>> [--txlogdir transaction_log_dir and --destination
>> destination_server_name] server_name
>> o txlogdir which has space
>> What should be given for server_name & transaction_log_dir
> Not in Prelude.
>> 5. set [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true]
>> [--host localhost] [--port 4848|4849] [--secure | -s] --user
>> admin_user [--passwordfile file_name] (dotted-attribute-name=value)+
>> o set some attributes with space in it
>> How to set dotted-attribute-name and its value?
> Just try asadmin get "*" first and you'll know.
> -Kedar
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