
Re: White space testing

From: Visalakshi <visa_2k2_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 20:14:20 -0700 (PDT)

Hi, Thanks a lot Judy, Kedar & Shankar. I really appreciate all of your help in clarifying my doubts. I will excute the remaining 5 and will let you know if I have any more doubts. Visalakshi ----- Original Message ---- From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang@Sun.COM> To: quality@glassfish.dev.java.net Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 8:34:27 PM Subject: Re: White space testing Hi Kedar.  You helped with all the questions, thanks ! Hi Sala, It is very nice to see you in the quality alias here.  I saw you have executed more than 30 white space CLI tests that Sankar sent you, many tests passed, just these 5 tests you have questions and need some help.  Glad you got help from Kedar, please give it a try and let us know.  In the following FAQ in A.2 you can find the link to get the latest promote build, pleas use it for testing. http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=FishCATFAQ Thanks for all your help and happy Fishcatting :-) Judy Kedar Mhaswade wrote: > > > Visalakshi wrote: > >> Hi, >>  >> I have few doubts on white space testing for glassfish v3, Can anyone >> please let me know on how to do it? >>  >> >> 1.      add-resources [--terse=false] [--echo=false] >> [--interactive=true] [--host localhost] [--port 4848|4849] [--secure >> | -s] --user admin_user [--passwordfile file_name] [--target >> target(Default server)] xmlfilepath >> >> o    XML file path which has space > > >> Which xml file in glassfish-v3-prelude-b23? > > > Any XML you can create. Note that the file contains the resource > definitions > that you wish to create on the server. > >>  >> >> 2.      create-http-lb-ref [--terse=false] [--echo=false] >> [--interactive=true] [--host localhost] [--port 4849] >> [--secure|-s=true] --user admin_user [--passwordfile file_name] >> [--lbpolicy policy] [--lbpolicymodule path-to-module] >> [--healthcheckerurl url] [--healthcheckerinterval >> interval-in-seconds] [--healthcheckertimeout timeout-in-seconds] >> [--lbenableallapplications] [--lbenableallinstances] --config >> config_name target >> >> o    path to policy module which has space > > >> >>      Where is the policy module located? > > > This is not a Prelude command. The lb-policy file determines the load > balancing strategy. > >> >>  >> >> 3.      deploy [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] >> [--host localhost] [--port 4848|4849] [--secure | -s] --user >> admin_user [--passwordfile file_name] [--virtualservers >> virtual_servers] [--contextroot context_root] [--force=true] >> [--precompilejsp=false] [--verify=false] [--name component_name] >> [--upload=true] [--retrieve local_dirpath] [--dbvendorname >> dbvendorname] [--createtables=true|false | >> --dropandcreatetables=true|false] [--uniquetablenames=true|false] >> [--deploymentplan deployment_plan] [--enabled=true] >> [--generatermistubs=false] [--availabilityenabled=false] [--libraries >> jar_file[(pathseperator)jar_file]*] [--target target(Default server)] >> filepath >> >> o    filepath which contains space >> >>  Should I have to deploy the file inside glassfish or some files >> like helloworld > > > ? > Just provide: > - a file with space in the path, e.g. "C:\Users\Joe > Blo\Application.war, or > - a folder with space in its path, e.g. "C:\Windows Sucks, where the > folder >  is an "expanded view" of the application. > >> >>  >> >> 4.      recover-transactions [--terse=false] [--echo=false] >> [--interactive=true] [--host localhost] [--port 4849] >> [--secure|-s=true] --user admin_user [--passwordfile file_name] >> [--txlogdir transaction_log_dir and --destination >> destination_server_name] server_name >> >> o    txlogdir which has space >> >>      What should be given for server_name & transaction_log_dir > > > Not in Prelude. > >> >> 5.      set [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] >> [--host localhost] [--port 4848|4849] [--secure | -s] --user >> admin_user [--passwordfile file_name] (dotted-attribute-name=value)+ >> >> o    set some attributes with space in it >> >>          How to set dotted-attribute-name and its value? >> > Just try asadmin get "*" first and you'll know. > > -Kedar > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: quality-unsubscribe@glassfish.dev.java.net > For additional commands, e-mail: quality-help@glassfish.dev.java.net > --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: quality-unsubscribe@glassfish.dev.java.net For additional commands, e-mail: quality-help@glassfish.dev.java.net