
Re: FishCAT weekly status (9/11--9/20)

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 16:58:10 -0700

Thanks Yifeng. I like your report :-)

Wow, another good week for FishCAT program, 19 bugs filed, thank you
FishCATs !

Happy Fishcatting !
Yifeng wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is the third FishCAT weekly status report for glassfish v3 prelude.
> FishCAT looks:
> * We have been testing b24 since 9/11.
> * FishCAT members filed 19 bugs (9/11-9/20), 19 bugs
> <http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/attach/Week3/fishcat-v3-bugs.html>
> * Many FishCAT members reviewed quick start guide and filed
> several doc issues.
> FishCAT says
> * Thanks everyone for filing issues, posting questions on email
> alias.
> * Sebastien, Adam and Wolfram are the top 3 bug submitters, thanks
> to your continuous effort!
> * Jack tested update tool from Japan by using different O/S and
> reported network slowness.
> * Wim, Sebastien, Jack and many other FishCAT members reviewed
> quick start guide and filed several doc issues.
> * Biyue and Hong Tao from China University tested admin GUI and
> admin GUI online help. They gave detailed report to list all the
> issues they found.
> Our FishCAT program will officially finish on 9/22. Documentation
> review will continue until 9/30. Thank you all for participating in
> FishCAT testing, since August 20th, FishCAT member opened total 97
> issues. (4 P1, 16P2, 72P3, 3P4, 2P5). A complete report of bugs filed
> by FishCAT members can be found here. Query
> <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/quality/v3/fishcat-v3-bugs.html>
> Testing of V3 Prelude continues, bugs filed after 9/22 may be differed
> to next release based on the priority.
> This is a great community effort. Thanks to many developers help to
> answer questions and thanks to SQEs worked so hard to answer posts and
> pre test promoted builds.