
Re: EJB 3.1 in b22....

From: Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com>
Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2008 11:57:03 +0200

Mahesh Kannan schrieb:
> Adam Bien wrote:
>> ...works perfectly.
> Glad to know that you could successfully use the EJB 3.1 features that
> are availabale in GlassFish.
Hold on - I will widen my tests to more sophisticated stuff :-)

Cannot wait to test the embedding stuff - > any plans? You will neet to
implement javax.ejb.EJBContainer class (is not contained in the JAR).
Should I file a RFE for it?


> Thanks,
> --Mahesh
>> Stuff tested:
>> 1. EJB 3.1 installation with pkg install glassfish-ejb - works
>> without problems
>> 2. Deployment of WAR with EJB 3 into autodeploy - no problems
>> 3. Injection between servlets and EJB 3.1 no-interface view - perfect.
>> Should I contribute the sample as Netbeans project somehow?
>> great work + thanks,
>> regards,
>> adam
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