
Error while deploying WAR using admin console

From: Jose Noheda <jose.noheda_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 16:11:52 +0200


I tried this ant task:

<target name="dojo" description="--> Downloads and packages dojo">
        <get src="
dest="dojo-1.2.tar.gz" verbose="true" usetimestamp="true" />
        <untar src="dojo-1.2.tar.gz" dest="dojo" compression="gzip" />
        <war destfile="dojo/dojo-1.2.war" needxmlfile="false"
basedir="dojo/dojo-release-1.2.0b1-src/" level="9" />

which should build a valid WAR file without a web.xml. I tried to deploy the
generated WAR using the admin console and it fails with:

GRAVE: Module type not recognized

Can someone confirm this is a bug? Or the WAR is not well formed?
