
[FishCAT] community meeting minutes (9/10/08)

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 10:02:36 -0700

Hi All,

We have FishCAT third meeting today. David, Jack, Wouter, Gail, Anissa,
Judy attended this meeting (Thanks).

Wouter: Will spend more time this week and next week to test JEB,
JavaServer Faces, and Web bean.
David: Test Admin GUI, CLI, filed some bugs in code and docs. Tested
JavaServer Faces and did not find issue. Will do more testing in Admin
GUI and review online help.
Jack: Tested jMaki and did not find any issue. Reviewed doc and post
one comment. Will continue do more testing
Gail: Thanks every one for reviewing doc and would like every one to
continue review and give comments. FishCAT review end day is 9/30
(FishCAT test end day is 9/22)
Anissa: Thanks every one for testing GF, greatly appreciate FishCAT
members contribution to GF quality !

Next Wednesday we will have this meeting at the same time (8:00 AM PT).
This could be our last meeting for V3 Prelude FishCAT program.
Would like to meet more of you :-)
