
RE: [FishCAT] community meeting minutes (9/10/08)

From: jack_spallaw <xbl08325_at_nifty.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 11:52:56 +0900

Hi Judy,

The pleasure was all mine and thank you to give me the chance of attending
this meeting.
I'll be counting on you.


> Hi All,
> We have FishCAT third meeting today. David, Jack, Wouter, Gail, Anissa,
> Judy attended this meeting (Thanks).
> Wouter: Will spend more time this week and next week to test JEB,
> JavaServer Faces, and Web bean.
> David: Test Admin GUI, CLI, filed some bugs in code and docs. Tested
> JavaServer Faces and did not find issue. Will do more testing in Admin
> GUI and review online help.
> Jack: Tested jMaki and did not find any issue. Reviewed doc and post
> one comment. Will continue do more testing
> Gail: Thanks every one for reviewing doc and would like every one to
> continue review and give comments. FishCAT review end day is 9/30
> (FishCAT test end day is 9/22)
> Anissa: Thanks every one for testing GF, greatly appreciate FishCAT
> members contribution to GF quality !
> Next Wednesday we will have this meeting at the same time (8:00 AM PT).
> This could be our last meeting for V3 Prelude FishCAT program.
> Would like to meet more of you :-)
> Thanks,
> Judy