
Re: 'Create' Admin commands usage does not match with synopsis specified in the documentation(referece manual/admin commands)

From: Sankar Neelakandan <Sankar.Neelakandan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 12:35:25 -0700

Hi Madhavi,
     Thanks for reviewing the command syntax. Here is the current status
of the issues.

1. meta options - https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=5733
2. profiles , we don't have a profile support yet tin V3
3. checkports is not a documented option
4. for jdbc connection pool please go ahead and file a issue for the
missing options
5. we now have a separate command for creating profiler

madhavi lakkaraju wrote:
> Hi All,
> I tried to verify the syntax for 'create' admin commands in reference
> manual. and I find the following differences in the syntax between the
> command line o/p and the reference manual. Do they have to exactly match?
> Thanks,
> Madhavi
> terryl2:bin lakka$ *./asadmin create-domain*
> *Usage*: create-domain [--user admin] --adminport port_number |
> --portbase portbase [--terse=false] [--echo=false]
> [--interactive=true] [--domaindir domain_directory] [--passwordfile
> filename ] [--instanceport port_number] [--savemasterpassword=false]
> [--domainproperties (name=value)[:name=value]*] [--savelogin=false]
> [--checkports=true] domain_name
> [(--profile developer | cluster | enterprise ] --template
> domain_template)] in the docs not the usage command .
> [--checkports=true] is not specified in the reference manual.
> ***************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin add-resources*
> remote failure: Operand required.
> Usage: add-resources [--target=server] xml_file_name
> *Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below
> **Documentation:**
> * add-resources
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> xml_file_path
> *************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ ./asadmin create-auth-realm
> remote failure: create-auth-realm command requires the classname
> parameter : .
> Usage: create-auth-realm --classname=classname [--property=property]
> [--target=target] authrealmname
> *Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below*
> create-auth-realm --classname realm_class
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --property (name=value)[:name=value]*]
> [ --target target_name] auth_realm_name
> ***********************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin create-file-user*
> remote failure: create-file-user command requires the passwordfile
> parameter containing AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD entry.
> Usage: create-file-user [--terse=false] [--echo=false]
> [--interactive=true] [--host=localhost] [--port=4848|4849]
> [--secure|-s] [--user=admin_user] [--passwordfile=file_name]
> [--groups=user_groups[:user_groups]*] [--authrealmname=authrealm_name]
> username
> *Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified
> below**. and also password file is reated twice in document*
> create-file-user
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> [--passwordfile passwordfile] [--authrealmname auth_realm_name]
> [--groups user_groups[:user_groups]*]
> user_name
> ******************************************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool*
> remote failure: create-jdbc-connection-pool command requires the
> datasourceclassname parameter : .
> Usage: create-jdbc-connection-pool
> --datasourceclassname=datasourceclassname [--restype=restype]
> [--steadypoolsize=8] [--maxpoolsize=32] [--maxwait=60000]
> [--poolresize=2] [--idletimeout=300] [--isolationlevel=isolationlevel]
> [--isisolationguaranteed=true] [--isconnectvalidatereq=false]
> [--validationmethod=auto-commit] [--validationtable=validationtable]
> [--failconnection=false] [--allownoncomponentcallers=false]
> [--nontransactionalconnections=false] [--validateatmostonceperiod=0]
> [--leaktimeout=0] [--leakreclaim=false] [--creationretryattempts=0]
> [--creationretryinterval=10] [--statementtimeout=-1]
> [--lazyconnectionenlistment=false] [--lazyconnectionassociation=false]
> [--associatewiththread=false] [--matchconnections=false]
> [--maxconnectionusagecount=0] [--wrapjdbcobjects=false]
> [--description=description] [--property=property] [--target=server]
> jdbc_connection_pool_id
> *Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below*
> create-jdbc-connection-pool
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> [--datasourceclassname classname] [--restype res_type]
> [--steadypoolsize poolsize] [--maxpoolsize poolsize]
> [--maxwait time] [--poolresize limit]
> [--idletimeout time] [--isolationlevel isolation_level]
> [--isolationguaranteed=true] [--isconnectvalidatereq=false]
> [--validationmethod auto-commit] [--validationtable tablename]
> [--failconnection=false] [--allownoncomponentcallers=false]
> [--nontransactionalconnections=false]
> [--description text] [--property (name=value)
> [:name=value]*] connectionpoolid
> and also in usage isolationguaranteed is spelled wrong as
> isiisolationguaranteed.
> ******************************************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin create-jdbc-resource*
> remote failure: create-jdbc-resource command requires the
> connectionpoolid parameter : .
> *Usage*: create-jdbc-resource --connectionpoolid=connectionpoolid
> [--enabled=true] [--description=description] [--property=property]
> [--target=server] jndi_name
> *Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below*
> create-jdbc-resource
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * target]
> *--connectionpoolid* id [*--enabled*=true]
> [*--description* text] [*--property* (name=value)[:name=value]*]jndi_name
> *****************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin create-jvm-options*
> remote failure: Operand required.
> *Usage:* create-jvm-options [ --target target(Default server)] (jvm_option_name[=jvm_option_value])[:jvm_option_name=jvm_option_name*]
> *Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below
> *
> create-jvm-options
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * target]
> [*--profiler*={true|false}] (jvm_option_name=jvm_option_value)
> [:jvm_option_name=jvm_option_name*]
> **********************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin create-profiler*
> remote failure: Operand required.
> *Usage*: create-profiler [--classpath=classpath] [--enabled=true] [--nativelibrarypath=nativelibrarypath] [--property=property] [--target=target] profiler_name
> **Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below
> **
> create-profiler
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * target_name]
> [*--classpath* classpath] [*--nativelibpath* native_library_path]
> [*--enabled*=true] [* --property *(name=value)[:name=value]*]
> profiler_name
> ****************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ ./*asadmin create-resource-ref*
> remote failure: Operand required.
> *Usage*: create-resource-ref [--enabled=true] [--target=server] reference_name
> **Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below**
> create-resource-ref
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * target]
> [*--enabled*=true] reference_name
> ********************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ ./*asadmin create-ssl*
> remote failure: create-ssl command requires the certname parameter : .
> *Usage*: create-ssl --certname=certname --type=type [--ssl2enabled=true]
> [--ssl2ciphers=ssl2ciphers] [--ssl3enabled=true] [--ssl3tlsciphers=ssl3tlsciphers]
> [--tlsenabled=true] [--tlsrollbackenabled=true] [--clientauthenabled=true] [--target=target] listener_id
> ****Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below****
> create-ssl
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * target]
> *--type* listener_or_service_type *--certname* cert_name
> [*--ssl2enabled*=false ] [*--ssl2ciphers* ss12ciphers ]
> [*--ssl3enabled*=true ] [*--tlsenabled*=true ]
> [*--ssl3tlsciphers* ssl3tlsciphers ] [*--tlsrollbackenabled*=true ]
> [*--clientauthenabled*=false ] [listener_id]
> ****************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ ./*asadmin create-system-properties*
> remote failure: Operand required.
> *Usage*: create-system-properties [--target target(Default server)] (name=value)[:name=value]*
> ********Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below********
> create-system-properties
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * target_name]
> [name=value)[:name=value]*]
> *****************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin create-virtual-server*
> remote failure: create-virtual-server command requires the hosts parameter : A comma-separated (,) list of values allowed in the host request header to select the current virtual server. Each virtual server that is configured to the same connection group must have a unique host for that group..
> *Usage*: create-virtual-server --hosts=hosts [--httplisteners=httplisteners]
> [--defaultwebmodule=defaultwebmodule] [--state=state] [--logfile=logfile] [--property=property] virtual_server_id
> ****************Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below****************
> create-virtual-server
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * server]
> *--hosts* hosts [*--httplisteners* http_listeners]
> [*--defaultwebmodule* default_web_module]
> [*--state* on] [*--logfile* log_file]
> [*--property* (name=value)[:name=value]*]
> virtual_server_id
> ***********************************************
> **
> **
> *
> *