
Re: 'Create' Admin commands usage does not match with synopsis specified in the documentation(referece manual/admin commands)

From: Gail Risdal <Gail.Risdal_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 13:01:35 -0700

Hi Madhavi,

Great feedback - this is exactly the kind of input we need.

These should match. Please file an issue for this discrepancy and any
others you encounter so fixes can be made next week.


GlassFish Documentation

madhavi lakkaraju wrote:

> Hi All,
> I tried to verify the syntax for 'create' admin commands in reference
> manual. and I find the following differences in the syntax between the
> command line o/p and the reference manual. Do they have to exactly match?
> Thanks,
> Madhavi
> terryl2:bin lakka$ *./asadmin create-domain*
> *Usage*: create-domain [--user admin] --adminport port_number |
> --portbase portbase [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true]
> [--domaindir domain_directory] [--passwordfile filename ]
> [--instanceport port_number] [--savemasterpassword=false]
> [--domainproperties (name=value)[:name=value]*] [--savelogin=false]
> [--checkports=true] domain_name
> [(--profile developer | cluster | enterprise ] --template
> domain_template)] in the docs not the usage command .
> [--checkports=true] is not specified in the reference manual.
> ***************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin add-resources*
> remote failure: Operand required.
> Usage: add-resources [--target=server] xml_file_name
> *Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below
> **Documentation:**
> * add-resources
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> xml_file_path
> *************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ ./asadmin create-auth-realm
> remote failure: create-auth-realm command requires the classname
> parameter : .
> Usage: create-auth-realm --classname=classname [--property=property]
> [--target=target] authrealmname
> *Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below*
> create-auth-realm --classname realm_class
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --property (name=value)[:name=value]*]
> [ --target target_name] auth_realm_name
> ***********************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin create-file-user*
> remote failure: create-file-user command requires the passwordfile
> parameter containing AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD entry.
> Usage: create-file-user [--terse=false] [--echo=false]
> [--interactive=true] [--host=localhost] [--port=4848|4849] [--secure|-s]
> [--user=admin_user] [--passwordfile=file_name]
> [--groups=user_groups[:user_groups]*] [--authrealmname=authrealm_name]
> username
> *Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified
> below**. and also password file is reated twice in document*
> create-file-user
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> [--passwordfile passwordfile] [--authrealmname auth_realm_name]
> [--groups user_groups[:user_groups]*]
> user_name
> ******************************************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool*
> remote failure: create-jdbc-connection-pool command requires the
> datasourceclassname parameter : .
> Usage: create-jdbc-connection-pool
> --datasourceclassname=datasourceclassname [--restype=restype]
> [--steadypoolsize=8] [--maxpoolsize=32] [--maxwait=60000]
> [--poolresize=2] [--idletimeout=300] [--isolationlevel=isolationlevel]
> [--isisolationguaranteed=true] [--isconnectvalidatereq=false]
> [--validationmethod=auto-commit] [--validationtable=validationtable]
> [--failconnection=false] [--allownoncomponentcallers=false]
> [--nontransactionalconnections=false] [--validateatmostonceperiod=0]
> [--leaktimeout=0] [--leakreclaim=false] [--creationretryattempts=0]
> [--creationretryinterval=10] [--statementtimeout=-1]
> [--lazyconnectionenlistment=false] [--lazyconnectionassociation=false]
> [--associatewiththread=false] [--matchconnections=false]
> [--maxconnectionusagecount=0] [--wrapjdbcobjects=false]
> [--description=description] [--property=property] [--target=server]
> jdbc_connection_pool_id
> *Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below*
> create-jdbc-connection-pool
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> [--datasourceclassname classname] [--restype res_type]
> [--steadypoolsize poolsize] [--maxpoolsize poolsize]
> [--maxwait time] [--poolresize limit]
> [--idletimeout time] [--isolationlevel isolation_level]
> [--isolationguaranteed=true] [--isconnectvalidatereq=false]
> [--validationmethod auto-commit] [--validationtable tablename]
> [--failconnection=false] [--allownoncomponentcallers=false]
> [--nontransactionalconnections=false]
> [--description text] [--property (name=value)
> [:name=value]*] connectionpoolid
> and also in usage isolationguaranteed is spelled wrong as
> isiisolationguaranteed.
> ******************************************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin create-jdbc-resource*
> remote failure: create-jdbc-resource command requires the
> connectionpoolid parameter : .
> *Usage*: create-jdbc-resource --connectionpoolid=connectionpoolid
> [--enabled=true] [--description=description] [--property=property]
> [--target=server] jndi_name
> *Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below*
> create-jdbc-resource
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * target]
> *--connectionpoolid* id [*--enabled*=true]
> [*--description* text] [*--property* (name=value)[:name=value]*]jndi_name
> *****************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin create-jvm-options*
> remote failure: Operand required.
> *Usage:* create-jvm-options [ --target target(Default server)] (jvm_option_name[=jvm_option_value])[:jvm_option_name=jvm_option_name*]
> *Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below
> *
> create-jvm-options
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * target]
> [*--profiler*={true|false}] (jvm_option_name=jvm_option_value)
> [:jvm_option_name=jvm_option_name*]
> **********************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin create-profiler*
> remote failure: Operand required.
> *Usage*: create-profiler [--classpath=classpath] [--enabled=true] [--nativelibrarypath=nativelibrarypath] [--property=property] [--target=target] profiler_name
> **Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below
> **
> create-profiler
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * target_name]
> [*--classpath* classpath] [*--nativelibpath* native_library_path]
> [*--enabled*=true] [* --property *(name=value)[:name=value]*]
> profiler_name
> ****************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ ./*asadmin create-resource-ref*
> remote failure: Operand required.
> *Usage*: create-resource-ref [--enabled=true] [--target=server] reference_name
> **Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below**
> create-resource-ref
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * target]
> [*--enabled*=true] reference_name
> ********************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ ./*asadmin create-ssl*
> remote failure: create-ssl command requires the certname parameter : .
> *Usage*: create-ssl --certname=certname --type=type [--ssl2enabled=true]
> [--ssl2ciphers=ssl2ciphers] [--ssl3enabled=true] [--ssl3tlsciphers=ssl3tlsciphers]
> [--tlsenabled=true] [--tlsrollbackenabled=true] [--clientauthenabled=true] [--target=target] listener_id
> ****Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below****
> create-ssl
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * target]
> *--type* listener_or_service_type *--certname* cert_name
> [*--ssl2enabled*=false ] [*--ssl2ciphers* ss12ciphers ]
> [*--ssl3enabled*=true ] [*--tlsenabled*=true ]
> [*--ssl3tlsciphers* ssl3tlsciphers ] [*--tlsrollbackenabled*=true ]
> [*--clientauthenabled*=false ] [listener_id]
> ****************************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ ./*asadmin create-system-properties*
> remote failure: Operand required.
> *Usage*: create-system-properties [--target target(Default server)] (name=value)[:name=value]*
> ********Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below********
> create-system-properties
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * target_name]
> [name=value)[:name=value]*]
> *****************************************************
> terryl2:bin lakka$ .*/asadmin create-virtual-server*
> remote failure: create-virtual-server command requires the hosts parameter : A comma-separated (,) list of values allowed in the host request header to select the current virtual server. Each virtual server that is configured to the same connection group must have a unique host for that group..
> *Usage*: create-virtual-server --hosts=hosts [--httplisteners=httplisteners]
> [--defaultwebmodule=defaultwebmodule] [--state=state] [--logfile=logfile] [--property=property] virtual_server_id
> ****************Usage does not match the synopsis in the documentation specified below****************
> create-virtual-server
> [*--terse={true|false}*][* --echo={true|false} *]
> [* --interactive={true|false} *] [* --host * host]
> [*--port* port] [*--secure*|* -s *] [* --user * admin_user]
> [*--passwordfile* filename] [*--help*]
> [* --target * server]
> *--hosts* hosts [*--httplisteners* http_listeners]
> [*--defaultwebmodule* default_web_module]
> [*--state* on] [*--logfile* log_file]
> [*--property* (name=value)[:name=value]*]
> virtual_server_id
> ***********************************************
> **
> **
> *
> *