
Re: deploydir deprecated

From: Survivant 00 <survivant00_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 12:52:23 -0400

Did you plan to do something with the copied files in the GlassFish-owned
.../applications directory?

yes and no.

Suppose that I develop an application and I want to test it.. I can deploy
the folder, test it.. and lets it like that, and continue developping
feature in my dev folder, and I don,t want them to be updated
automatically. If I want to test something live.. I could edit the page
directly in the GF folder.

Suppose I compare that with Tomcat.

I could have a context in tomcat conf.. that represent the webapps deployed
and another fro the work folder that i use in eclipse. The work folder is
reloaded when I modify a file, but not the other context.

if I want to do that in GF, I'll have to deploy the webapp as a war. and
deploy a folder for the work folder of Eclipse..

2008/8/29 Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_sun.com>

> Dick Davies wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Survivant 00 <survivant00_at_gmail.com> <survivant00_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> I asked yesterday how to deploy a appplication without creating a war. I
> receive the answer : use deploydir command but it's deprecated..
> Well, that's not exactly the answer you received (emphasis added here):
> Use the **v2 deploydir** command or the **v3 deploy** command, specifying
> the directory rather than a .war file. There is no need to create the .war
> file. (**Note that the deploydir command will also work in v3 but we are
> encouraging users to adopt the deploy command for both purposes in v3.**)
> I was trying to be clear that if you were running v2 you should use the
> deploydir command and if you were running v3 you should use the deploy
> command. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
> C:\glassfishv3-preludeb21\bin>asadmin.bat deploydir
> "C:\Temp\PHP\quercus-3.1.6"
> WARNING : deploydir command deprecated. Please use deploy command instead.
> Command deploydir executed successfully.
> C:\glassfishv3-preludeb21\bin>
> After that the application is deployed. I tested ithttp://localhost:8484/quercus-3.1.6
> and it works.. but I was expecting that the application to be copied into
> C:\glassfishv3-preludeb21\glassfish\domains\domain1\applications .
> No, deploydir just runs the webapp out of whatever directory you gave it.
> It only works locally, and means you can't cluster the app - probably why it's
> deprecated :)
> As Dick explained, when you use the directory deployment feature the files
> are not copied and the server uses them directly from there. This saves you
> as the developer the step of creating the .war file and saves GlassFish the
> step of copying files from one place to another. Faster all around.
> Did you plan to do something with the copied files in the GlassFish-owned
> .../applications directory?
> - Tim