
Glassfish V3 Prelude - build 20 report

From: Alex Pineda <Alex.Pineda_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 09:46:04 -0700

Glassfish users,

A test cycle was completed on the build and the results are:

# Issues reported on this build: 32

     * 21 on GF, 11 on Netbeans

Build 20 Test Details:

     * Core-WebContainer
           o new tests for virtual server and dynamic reconfig
             5615 DEFECT P3 virtual server state=off,disabled does
not return 404 and 40
             5616 DEFECT P3 virtual server default-web-module
property throws NullPointe
             5633 DEFECT P3 start domain hangs when we create-
virtual-server with existi
     * Core-EJB
           o new tests for bean managed concurrency of singleton
             5593 DEFECT P2 EJB associated with an incomplete
             5617 DEFECT P2 deployment error due to ejb3.1 upgrade
     * Core-Security
           o new tests for
                 + customrealm with defaultp2r mapping,
                 + support EJB3.0 security-role-ref using basic
                 + anyonerolebasicauth,
                 + bigcertificate
                 + badcertificate
             5561 DEFECT P3 SQE portsunity test cases failed for V3
(works for V2)
             5612 DEFECT P3 User not able to acess protected
resource when using a big s

     * Core-Grails
             5657 DEFECT P2 [BLOCKING] Grails run-app-gf issues

     * Core-Logging
           o new tests for server.log
             5589 DEFECT P2 [BLOCKING]Test stopper: LogMBean missing

     * Core-JDBC
           o new test for Lazy connection enlistment and association
             5628 DEFECT P3 Intermittent issue of ThreadDeath

     * Installer and Update Center
             5672 DEFECT P2 GFv3Prelude: Installer -R option does
not work
             5673 DEFECT P2 GFv3Prelude: Installer -l option does
not work

     * Admin GUI
           o Finished 508 compliance test on Admin GUI; reported 9
                 + 5586, 5587, 5588, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5601, 5602,
           o Did sanity check for all new features implemented for v3
                 + update center: as for b20, blocking issue 5529,
this should be fixed in b21.
                 + security: as for b20, 100% tests have been
executed, bugs filed and developers are working on that.
                 + pluggability: as for b20, 50% tests have been
executed, bugs filed and developer has fix for b21 for rest 50% of
test, we have risk since there is no proper document about how to add
tab, page or treenode.
                 + monitoring: as for b20, backend bugs blocking
testing, 0% has been executed.
                 + Application management: two bugs opened.

     * Admin CLI
           o Filed 8 more bugs. 5608, 5611, 5632, 5634, 5649, 5650,
5651, 5655.

     * Admin Monitoring
             5607 DEFECT P3 monitoring data is exposed even when
monitoring is truned OF

     * GlassFish Plugin IDE Tools-Netbeans
           o 11 New GlassFish V3 Issues:
           o Issue 144236 Server starts in debug mode even when you
start in normal mode
           o Issue 144240 java.io.FileNotFoundException
           o Issue 144250 Server stopped on selecting 'Refresh' when
the server is running in profile mode
           o Issue 144333 While restarting able to change the server
mode from normal mode to any mode(Debug,Profile)
           o Issue 144334 Browser shows "cannot display the webpage"
on selecting View Admin Console in the profile mode
           o Issue 144356 Failed to install updatecenter.
           o Issue 144527 Unregistered resources are added back to the
resources node while unregitering jdbc/_TimerPool
           o Issue 144697 One GF V3 server failed to run when you
start two GF V3 server in debug mode
           o Issue 144816 While debugging Web application(Target
server GF V3),shows authentication failed error message for GF V2
           o Issue 144330 V3:Sample WebJpa project does not work with
           o Issue 145078 V3:Able to start mutiple (same ports)
servers simutanously