
Re: deploydir deprecated

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 10:51:15 -0500

Dick Davies wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Survivant 00 <survivant00_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>> I asked yesterday how to deploy a appplication without creating a war. I
>> receive the answer : use deploydir command but it's deprecated..
Well, that's not exactly the answer you received (emphasis added here):
> Use the **v2 deploydir** command or the **v3 deploy** command,
> specifying the directory rather than a .war file. There is no need to
> create the .war file. (**Note that the deploydir command will also
> work in v3 but we are encouraging users to adopt the deploy command
> for both purposes in v3.**)
I was trying to be clear that if you were running v2 you should use the
deploydir command and if you were running v3 you should use the deploy
command. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
>> C:\glassfishv3-preludeb21\bin>asadmin.bat deploydir
>> "C:\Temp\PHP\quercus-3.1.6"
>> WARNING : deploydir command deprecated. Please use deploy command instead.
>> Command deploydir executed successfully.
>> C:\glassfishv3-preludeb21\bin>
>> After that the application is deployed. I tested it
>> http://localhost:8484/quercus-3.1.6
>> and it works.. but I was expecting that the application to be copied into
>> C:\glassfishv3-preludeb21\glassfish\domains\domain1\applications .
> No, deploydir just runs the webapp out of whatever directory you gave it.
> It only works locally, and means you can't cluster the app - probably why it's
> deprecated :)
As Dick explained, when you use the directory deployment feature the
files are not copied and the server uses them directly from there. This
saves you as the developer the step of creating the .war file and saves
GlassFish the step of copying files from one place to another. Faster
all around.

Did you plan to do something with the copied files in the
GlassFish-owned .../applications directory?

- Tim