Re: how to get my module in the modules dir

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 15:37:59 -0400

On Jun 9, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic wrote:
> We planned to have dedicated IPS package for Shoal content, so I'll
> create new packager module for these and add them as dependencies -
> please send me pointer to these two Shoal jars and any existing
> modules that will depend on them so that I can determine package
> build sequence and dependencies...

Sounds good. By the way, my build finished and the jars I need showed
up. So I'm set until you create the IPS package.

These are the external ones in the

groupId: org.shoal
artifact ids: shoal-cache and shoal-gms

They're here:

The version will be the shoal.version property in v3/pom.xml.
Currently I have it locally as 1.5-SNAPSHOT since we don't know yet
how to put anything besides a snapshot in there.

The GF package that relies on the shoal-gms artifact is v3/cluster/gms-

One note: the shoal-gms.jar file may be broken up into an api and an
impl jar later. Will it be hard to redo the IPS packaging then? IOW,
is it something we can do for you or are we going to runin your day
