Re: how to get my module in the modules dir

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 15:23:58 -0400

> packager implementation will generally place any jar type module
> under glassfish/modules unless explicitly told otherwise. If your
> module is a brand new GF dependency and no other module depends on
> it, you may need to add it as dependency to one of packager module
> pom files (or it may even warrant the creation of dedicated new
> packager module). Do you have the module you are trying to add
> already checked in the workspace? If so, send me a pointer and I can
> tell you what needs to be done...

Thanks -- your email didn't show up till after I sent my second one.

We have a module v3/cluster/gms-adapter that needs to be in the
modules dir. It depends on the shoal jars in the repository that I
also need. I just now figured out that I need to add the gms-adapter
artifact to packager/glassfish-cluster/pom.xml and am rebuilding. As
you say, if the shoal jar shows up, I'm all set.

